Safety and Health
The Underground Detective is a fully OSHA compliant company. It is our job to make sure that our services are carried out in the safest, most efficient way possible. This means that we need to keep both clients and our employees as safe as we can during every part of the job. Safety is a top focus on our job sites and in all of our locations, which is why we are continually seeking new methods to maintain it for everyone involved.
Employee Training/Safety and Health
The Underground Detective’s focus on the health and safety of our employees means that they must participate in a variety of training programs, both before they start working and as they continue to do so. All field technicians are required to go through an extensive one year training program, This involves many hours of class room time, learning the concept of locating and the process of The Underground Detective. It also includes months of field training, working with experienced technicians to mold them into trained professionals. Each of our drivers are trained in fatigue management and Smith System defensive driving courses. It teaches 5 key elements:
- Aim High
- The Big Picture
- Keep Your Eyes Moving
- Leave Yourself an Out
- Make Sure They See You
The combination of these training programs helps each of our new employees learn the skills necessary to not only perform their job, but to do it in a way that promotes safety for both themselves and everyone around them.
All employees are required to complete certain training programs while they work for The Underground Detective. Each employee completes weekly and annual training procedures in the following areas of Occupational Safety and Health:
- 40hr. Hazwoper
- OSHA 10 Hr
- Aerial Lifts / Manlifts
- Confined Spaces
- Drug Testing Program
- Electrical Safety
- Emergency Action Plan
- Fire Extinguisher Procedures
- Hearing Conservation
- Incident Investigations
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Respiratory Protection
- Safety Rules & Enforcement
- Stairs & Ladders
- Traffic
- 8hr annual Hazwoper Refresher
- First Aid & CPR
- BWC Incident Procedures
- Drug & Alcohol Abuse
- Trenching & Excavation
- Fall Protection: 1 Hr.
- Hazard Communication
- Housekeeping
- Lockout / Tagout
- Powered Industrial Truck
- Safe Lifting Procedures
- Scaffolding
- Residential Fall Protection: ½ Hr.
- Bloodborne Pathogens
If you have any questions about a specific training program that our employees complete, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are happy to explain any of them to you.
Job Specific Training
The Underground Detective also offers job-specific training for a variety of companies and locations. Some of the trainings that we offer deal with [insert an example of some of the skills you teach to either employees or clients here]. A few of the locations we offer job-specific training for include the following:
- BP
- Shell
- Marathon
- Speedway
- Exxon Mobile
- Dow Chemical
If you have any questions or concerns about any of the training procedures used by The Underground Detective, please contact us at your convenience. We would be happy to explain them to you. Our greatest concern is the safety and health of both our employees and our clients.