State One-Call vs Private Utilities Location
Private utilities location – Do I need it?
The 811 State One-Call is a call everyone needs to make before starting any excavation project! It is a free service which will cover locating all underground utilities from the street to the service meter. Any utility beyond the service meter is usually considered to be a private utility, which will require a second call to a firm that offers private utilities location. Here are some examples of private utilities not located by the State One-Call:
- Gas line to a heated swimming pool
- Electric to a detached garage/barn
- Sanitary or storm sewers
- Parking lot lighting
- Fire mains
- Building to building utilities
Remember, some utilities can be even inches below the surface of the ground. So whether you need to make one call or two, make sure you call before you dig!
Article Name
State One-Call vs Private Utility Locating
The 811 State One-Call is a call everyone needs to make before starting any excavation project! It is a free service which will cover locating all underground utilities from the street to the service meter.
Rob Harris